タイトル:「Automated Engineering: Systems Engineering for Industry 4.0」
発表者:Professor Klaus Mainzer (Chair for Philosophy of Science Technische Universität München)
要旨:More than a few grounded mid-sized businesses express frustration at the almost continual introduction of new slogans in the IT industry. Do these glossy words amount to anything more significant than simply disguising the old under the cloak of the new? With respect, the (seemingly) dumb question must then once be asked: Why do we need "automated" engineering anyway? And, how can, not just individual manufacturing processes but also complex systems, become automated? This presentation is given to discuss the challenge of Systems Engineering today when it comes to automation of factories, housing and infrastructures.
発表者の専門領域:Complex Dynamical Systems, Self-Organizing and Autonomous Systems, Chaos and Risk Theory, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computational Brain and Embodied Robotics, Big Data Technology, Foundations of Mathematical and Engineering Sciences
Since 2008 Full Professor (Chair W3) for Philosophy of Science, Technische Universität München
2008-2015 Director of the Carl von Linde-Academy, Technische Universität München, Germany
2012-2014 Founding Director of the Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München, Germany
1988-2007 Director of the Institute for Philosophy, University of Augsburg, Germany
1998-2007 Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Informatics, University of Augsburg
1999-2001 Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, University of Augsburg
1988-2007 Full Professor (Chair C4) for Philosophy of Science, University of Augsburg, Germany
1985-1988 Vice President of the University of Constance, Germany
1982-1985 Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, University of Constance
1980-1988 Professor for Philosophy and Foundations of Exact Sciences (C3), University of Constance, Germany
1973-1979 Research Assistant, Institute for Philosophy, University of Münster, Germany
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